Thursday, August 28, 2014

Medical Visit

Today a nurse practitioner came to see Jean.  They come once a month.  It is a program for the elderly called MD2U.
The goal of MD2U is to keep the elderly healthy, and out of the hospital and nursing home.

The nurse was pleased with his condition.  His heart is strong, his lungs are clear, and his blood pressure today was 131 / 68.  He is not taking any medications.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014


Today, another first since the winter.
Lunch at Whole Foods!

Jean is telling John what he he would like on his plate.

Saturday, August 23, 2014


I thought that Jean's family would like to see some pictures of his daily life, so I am starting this little blog.

I will try to update it every few weeks.

Today I took him to the library, and he had a good time. He used to go there a lot, but this is the first time he has been back since he had the strokes last winter.

He was very weak as a result of the strokes.  He basically could not leave his room for months, and we brought his food up to him. I try to make healthy, nourishing and calorie-rich food for him every day.

Very gradually, he has regained a little bit of strength.  The physical therapy helped immensely. After a while, the therapist encouraged him to come down the stairs, at first secured with a belt. It was hard, but he (and the therapist) persevered. It is the best exercise for him.

Now, he has a little bit of strength and independence back.

In the last few weeks, he has wanted to venture out more.  We took him to get his hair cut.  After that, he wanted to go and see a movie. He saw "The Giver".  He said he could not hear anything of the movie, but he still enjoyed the outing.