Friday, November 28, 2014


This is from our family reunion about five years ago at Lake Lure in North Carolina. All the family members at that time were present, plus Grandpa Jean. Happy days!

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving!

                                                 Thanksgiving 1978 in southern California!

       Delpha and Jean with Nanette and Natalie Pinkelman, Julee, Jim, Aunt June, Paul, Uncle Lee,    and Jean and June's mother, Grandma Charles.
       Probably at Grandma Charles' house.
       We love this photo!


Thursday, November 20, 2014


A sincere THANK YOU to all those who have sent something to Jean in the mail this past year. It means a great deal to him.  He loves to receive mail, and saves it all. Except for the chocolate. That disappears very quickly! He is a self-confessed "chocoholic", and I hear this trait runs in the family!

His address here is: 108 Woodhill Rd,  Bardstown, KY 40004

If you have a moment to send a note or card or photo or anything at all, he will be very happy.
Emails are welcome also.  He does not use the computer anymore, but if you send an email for him to my email address, I will print it out and give it to him as soon as he gets up each day.

My email address is:

He would love to read copies of some of the family missionary emails as well.

Thank you!

Friday, November 7, 2014


     Yesterday was a blustery day.  Leaning into the wind, their hair hair was flying. We were coming back into the house after a drive. The first thing Jean said was, "Home, sweet home."