Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Good morning!

Good morning!

The bathing nurse did not comb Jean's hair this morning after his shampoo, so it looks like a rock star's hair today. He asked for 'une omelette' for breakfast, and when I brought it up, I said he looks like a poet with his hair, and I want to take a picture.
He said, "I am a poet!"
I said yes, you are. A poet and adventurer.

Occasionally lately, he has said that he is not himself, and does not know who he is anymore.
Sleeping and dreaming a lot makes him sometimes wonder what is real and what is not.
 He has always been so independent, and now he is stuck in his room.  Of course this is very hard, and I felt sorry for him.

We are trying to think of some way we could take him down the stairs and outside, but it is complicated.

Reading the newest email from his missionary grandson

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Looking Good

One of Grandpa Jean's grandchildren requested more photos on this blog.

Grandpa Jean is looking spiffy this morning, after his bed bath and shampoo, and newly shaven. I would like to take a nice picture, but it is more difficult now in his condition, since I always want to be respectful and aware of his dignity.

I hope to be able to post a new photo soon.

In the meantime, I want to post a couple of stories from his childhood that he shared with me last year. I wrote them down, and have been planning to post them here. Coming soon.

Thank you for your prayers and good thoughts on his behalf. They are appreciated. He is currently very limited. He cannot stand up by himself, cannot get out of bed by himself. He has always been philosophical about life, and this is helpful to him now. Yesterday he said, "Whatever the situation is, this too will change."

Friday, February 6, 2015

A Little Improvement!

We are happy to report that Grandpa Jean's condition has improved a little bit!

His swallowing is a little better; his food can now be cut up small and no longer has to be pureed.
His left leg is doing better, and with help he can walk a few steps. His left arm and hand still just hang there, but if asked to do so and with some mental effort, he can grasp things with this hand.

Jean smiles and says he has become just like a baby. Yesterday when I brought him his meal, and as he was sitting there with his bib on, he smiled and said, "This looks delicious. You are taking really good care of Baby #1!

A nurse assistant now comes twice a week to give him a bed-bath. Yesterday she was admiring the family photos he has in his room and said, "You have a such a beautiful family."
                                                                                                                                                              His response: "Of course they are. They all look like me!"